Thursday, April 26, 2012

To Scentsy or Not to Scentsy

So for the last four years (maybe 5), I've thought about selling Scentsy. Most of you know what Scentsy is and for those that dont, they are wickless candles. No fire. No danger. Great for kids! being a new mom and all :)

I never joined because I was working full time, occasionally going to school, so I thought I'd overwhelm myself. But now, Im basically unemployed and theres no jobs that interest me cuz I'll be away from my Liam. I have looked at stay at home jobs, but nothin feels right. And with scentsy, I'd be my own boss, decide what I want, and decide what hours and all. 

I really truly love these products. Its definitely something I could sell! And its sooo great, I've heard that it sells itself! They prices are reasonable and totally worth the money. They have also come out with so many great things since I last purchased Scentsy -Im sure they've been out for awhile, I jus nvr noticed :) - scentsy pak, scentsy buddy, and layers fragrances, uh what?!? AND I've heard that they are coming out with a chocolate fondue!! It would be great!! for all sorts of parties!!

So should I join Scentsy?? I pretty much am convincing myself with all the pros I've listed; now I cant think of any cons. LOL!! Here are a few cons I could think of:
Im not a very good public speaker around ppl I dont know. I get really shy and nervous. And this is SALES so I def have to be a go-getter if I wanna make good money! I think its 15% commission of all my total sales so would it even be worth it? All the time & energy for what I bring in? Would it jus be a job on the side? And I would eventually need to find something? And would my friends and family actually buy it?? I dont wanna be a bug-a-boo but this would be my job so its a really good con now that I think of it :)

So should I join Scentsy! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! lemme know your thoughts and if you know someone who sells, is it worth it to them?



  1. I totally think you should ;) he he And as far as pulic speaking, you really don't have to. You could just host, or have others host "open houses" People can just ask questions as they have them, and you can just be there to answer them. Its so chill!

  2. I think you should try it out and see how it goes maybe it'll help you grow the skills you are lacking in, not that I agree :) I think the reason that you want to do it is good motivation that will motivate you to push yourself. I'll come to your parties :)


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